The activity is in decline. There are no trainers in the moment (although there are other places to mine rane, and the boneyard is still in existence). In the freeplay I play OSRS Fire Cape, the deep wilderness is probably more secure than most other freeplay areas around the world.

Jagex tries to help clans by providing clan support stuff like citadels and clan chats. Jagex should focus on activities in the wilderness if they truly want to assist clans. Put incentives for people like trainers to be out into the wild (such as experience bonuses and perhaps more training locations).

These single combat wilderness worlds must be eliminated. Either leave the wilderness as it is by removing single combat zones or make single combat players utilize a different PvP zone. It's a simple, common sense idea really and is likely to benefit clans as well as the wilderness more than any clan support update has. It had no connection with the new combat system. But I needed to be aware of it.

As a freeplayer I am limited in access to Runescape Map. This is not an issue Cheap RS Gold. But I was looking over the map of today and noticed how much actual land was added in the past eight years. years or so. Since there isn't room to expand.